The best way to learn anything is to just try it out for yourself.  I learned this throughout my homeschooled youth and continue to find it true.  So when I needed to learn how to make a podcast for a client, I went online, found tutorials and created a podcast!  It may not be pretty, but this experience gave me the intimate details behind what it takes to make a podcast.

Podcast Notes:
 – hardware
Microphone, recorder
 – software
garage band, audacity, Adobe for MAC call recorder for skype calls for windows
Video Tutorials and websites:
Pat Flynn Youtube Tutorial – big thanks to Pat for helping me put together my first podcast!
#1  Keep distance from mic consistent
#2 Keep podcast length consistent
#3 Make Segments:
-Tip or common question
Intro: Welcome listeners, state title of podcast, episode number, and then tell them what they will hear, quick overview
Outro: thank listners for listening to the end and then give them a call to action.  Leave a review, tell their friends, subscribe to newsletter, share this with another church that is struggling with growth.
#4 Direct people from the podcast to your website or blog in ‘show notes’ these will include any links mentioned on the podcast, freebies, downloadables, etc and listed in each blog description on your blog.
#5 Minimize FLUFF. Stuff that doesn’t matter.  The weather, traffic, etc.  Personal info is okay!
#6 Don’t edit too much!
#7 Have Fun!
#8 Wear headphones whenever recording!
I’m not sure how the other tips got mixed into this list, but stick with it and you will be podcasting in no time.
– Austin

Streaming Studios Podcast 01: how to make your own podcast 01: